
"Our ideas for discussion"



Kony when brought together with one single IDE, can help a developer create JavaScript apps that can run on all platforms. This tool however, is a little pocket pinching especially if you are looking to create more than one app, want more than hundred users, etc.
The app development tool Kony has the ability to support a massive range of things including API management, chatbots, voice, customer reporting, augmented reality, reference apps, & many such more elements. While the tool itself can be installed both on Windows & Mac computer systems, the companion mobile apps are used for preview and testing on the actual device that it is supposed to run on.
The benefit of developing with Kony is that Kony does provide a one-stop shop for all elements are from UI/UX, all the way to integration, all the way to back-end management and analytics. We decided to go with Kony because of the fact that you can basically build it in all to deploy it once of multiple platforms. We felt that going with the Kony Platform reduced a number of false starts, we didn't want to have multiple development teams trying to staff up on expertise for iOS and expertise for Android. Kony helping us to create fast platform applications. A couple years ago we built them, selected Kony and built our first products in about six or eight months. It's been growing quite a bit since two years ago. As you have multiple edges or multiple channels that you're deploying for, and multiple apps that you're working to build and support, having a consistent framework in which those are built is crucial. The Visualizer's app preview, and the reusability, it allows us to take that idea and that look and feel and move it right into Studio, and have that translate directly into the app development capability is invaluable. It dramatically reduced the time it takes to get from concept to development. Another area is in back-end integration. Our applications require access to enterprise data and it was important to have the features available in the Kony platform to be able to gain access to that data. Kony is going to be to mobile as IBM and Microsoft were to computers. We're going to move forward, I think Kony's the winner. Just like we do when customers are facing our employees face-to-face, we want those same kind of best-in-class experiences to happen in the digital channels, and I expect Kony to help you get there. 


Quickly build web and mobile applications from pre-built components in a visual canvas. Enhance existing and create new applications with greater agility to keep pace with business demands.


In-product guided tours, reusable components and templates, one-click cloud builds and easy data integration with visual data mapping to maximize productivity.


Integrate to any backend data source and orchestrate data collection & transformation across multiple systems.


Design beautiful applications for any audience across any device without limits on the user experience. Accelerate development using 100+ pre-built native UI widgets for mobile and web.


Use the full spectrum of native mobile app, responsive and progressive web app (PWA) functionality to deliver the best possible experience, performance, and security. Build native omni-channel experiences using a single design canvas across mobile, web, wearables, and more.


Continuously build and deliver mobile and web applications with greater agility using automated build, publish, and testing tools. Integrates easily with your existing DevOps infrastructure.


Never hit a wall as your need grow for more advanced features, channels, apps, users, and more. Deliver engaging employee, consumer, and partner applications of any scale and complexity on a unified low-code platform.


A single click enables multi-layered security that defends against compromise, detects and reacts to attacks with application and identity protection.

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